Monday, November 3, 2014

Week 13--Oct. 27,2014

Well I'm doing good. I can't believe I only have 2 weeks and I'll be done with my second transfer...then only 11 more to go. Whattttt?

 Anyways, so last night I taught this Muslim family, so that was neat and interesting. He wants a Book of Mormon in his language (Bengali) so that's way cool. 

Also picked up 2 new investigators from Brandon (He just got baptized on October 25th). He told me and my companion he was gonna bring more nonmembers to church than us. We told him that was a great idea. He's the best member missionary ever!!! It's so great.

We taught an investigator the Restoration and the spirit was so strong, like it confirmed it to me again! So that was wonderfully amazing, especially to testify that to our investigators.

Drive thru at McDonald's
On to the funnies last week I got cat called (creepy), this week I got dog called. LOL. So these teenage boys stuck their head out of this super old/ugly car and literally started barking at us...I died, it was so funny. And we got told by some old man that we were selling religion. He kept saying it over and over.

 Anyways...the people here are definitely different from the people in Georgia..I know that may be kind of hard to believe, but it's true. 

I love to hear from everyone back home. I love y'all!  Now for a few pictures :)

Pretending to be a tree-
-for a hummingbird!

A little missionary

Sister Mizell