Monday, September 8, 2014

Week 6

   I love getting pictures!  Send me some! I like to brag a lot to everyone about my family. I showed a few people the picture of the redneck pontoon boat and they almost died...they loved it so much.
     On September 17 with my zone is going to the Gila Valley Temple and I will definitely send pictures of that. 
But so now I want to tell you about my week! It has been eventful. 
     So Saturday, we had this appointment with the elders, it was a less active and we figured he was single plus he lived in this SUPER sketchy apartment complex. So we told them to come with us and that we would let them take over. The elder from Georgia is 6'8, so he's pretty tall. and he looks super intimidating, but finally when we got there we had this dude stop and start talking to us, he was a little drunk. He was talking about why he hates Mormons, meanwhile we kinda were trying to keep on and he ended up walking us to the man's apartment. So we stood out side of there after he repeatedly knocked (with no answer) and he was saying he would never become a member. He would start to tell us why, and then get off the subject and start talking about something completely different. And the way we were standing was kinda in a circle, well the man kept getting closer to ME and was talking to everyone but only looking at ME. So the elder beside me kept getting closer to me, so that he wouldn't get too close. Way weird! By the end of the conversation he yelled at his friend and said "HEY, I'M GETTING SAVED!" Way hilarious.  
     I've had a few other wild encounters this week, too. The main thing I have been working on since I have been here is my patience...and I can tell I have gotten better! 
    But anyways, sorry it's sooo long! Actually no I'm not, I know ya'll enjoy it. I love ya'll soooo much. :)

Sister Mizell

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