Thursday, August 7, 2014

Week 1: At the MTC

    Well our girl is gone! Yesterday at 1:07pm (Mountain Time) Listi Mizell entered the MTC to become known as Sister Mizell for the next chunk of her life. True to her nature, she did so without a tear or smile, simply rolled her bags forward with an escort. 

    Any day now we should be able to hear from her- we are not sure when her first Personal Day is. So, anyone who wishes to write (which she will appreciate so much!) catch up with her at:

    Lastly, this note was scribbled down from one Sunday, and it mirrors our family's feelings: "We give things that are important to us to the gospel." We have given up such a special girl to The Lord, to fulfill His purposes, please join us in praying for her happiness, safety and success! 
     &Don't worry, every post from here on out will be from Listi herself! :)

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